Monday 15 April 2013

The Importance of Paying Off Loans: Joshua Kerrigan

On the path of your life, it is safe to say that you will encounter situations that will cause you to have to take out loans or credit cards. Joshua Kerrigan knows that these situations could be events such as college, car payments, or house payments. Along with the loans, many people accumulate mass amounts of debt. Joshua Kerrigan understands how you can get into these situations, and was having to make payments to his car dealership for the purchase of his Dodge truck. There is light at the end of the tunnel, though.

Joshua Kerrigan

Last month Joshua Kerrigan was ecstatic to be able to pay off his 2010 Dodge 1500 truck. With this accomplishment, Joshua Kerrigan will no longer have to make car payments, and will be able to use that money for other important things in his life. It is always important to follow through and pay off your debts as soon as you can. This will help you to be able to afford other necessary things in your life, and will also help your credit score. Joshua Kerrigan knows that, with a good credit score, you can apply for different types of loans if you need to. 

It is important to strive to be debt free in your life. A majority of the country lives in debt of one form or the other. For many recent college grads, the debt from paying for a secondary schooling is overwhelming and can seem to be overbearing. With time and a steady payment plan, like Joshua Kerrigan had, you can overcome this struggle and hopefully one day live to be debt free. The economy right now is not the best, but with hard work and an above average work ethic, you too could be able to pay off some of the loans in your life. This will make for a more enjoyable and stress free time.

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